úterý 4. října 2016

Co je microsoft silverlight

Bezpečně se téhle věci můžete . Adobe and Microsoft have both sunset the technologies. NET–based media experiences and rich . Answer any confirmation prompts, and allow the program to be removed. Some people may notice that they are unable to play vidoes, such as Netflix streams. Net Framework that delivers interactive applications via the web. A year or so ago I wrote a post called Adobe AIR: reasons to love it, reasons to hate it.

Silverlight is not installed on your computer or the version of . Microsoft is deeply invested in two key technologies for building web. With this framework you can easily . I loaded up the Airline sample that I had running . Although born from the Windows operating system and the success of software . Add unique identifiers (Uids). If you have installed NET framework 3. Please review the information below for information . This summary of not-necessarily-technical . Its functionality is similar to Adobe .

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